b'CUT THE LEG CRUDinflammation of blood vessel(s) usuallyhuman papillomaviruses), cause a hardWait, What About Scratches?isnt known, its commonly due to photo- skin growth that is usually benign but Rather than a specific condition, Fadoksensitization (a severe dermatitis that oc- contagious.and Peters-Kennedy say scratches iscurs when certain plant pigments damageSigns EcPV-1 most commonly appears more a syndrome that includes rain rot,nonpigmented skin cells in response toon young horses lips and muzzles but ringworm, mange, staphylococcal infec- sun exposure). Veterinarians note it morecan also appear on their lower legs. You tions, and vasculitis. frequently in white-haired skin (so on legsmight see cauliflowerlike raised, scaly and stockinged areas such as fetlocks andgray masses, sometimes near the hoof, cannons). that spontaneously resolve over months Signs Skin reddening, swelling, andas the horses immune system develops.crusting with eventual ulceration. Gen- Prevention Prevent spread to other erally symmetric (in both of a pair ofyoung horses by isolating affected ani-limbs). mals, says Peters-Kennedy.Prevention Figure out the cause, andTreatment None needed, because le-eliminate it. If thats photosensitization,sions usually resolve on their own in one then prevent exposure to direct sunlightto three months. However, Fadok says by wrapping your horses legs and/orif you have multiple warts and/or lots turning him out in the early morning and/ of foals or yearlings, you could remove or late evening rather than during the day. the warts using cryotherapy (freezing) Treatment If you dont know the cause,or surgical lasers, or your veterinarian which Peters-Kennedy says is common,might crush the warts, which is thought treatment usually consists of topicalto release antigenic proteins and, thereby, anti-inflammatory medications (glucocor- generate an immune response.Staphylococcal Infections ticoids, aka steroids) or, if youre worried Causes The bacterium typically causesabout overusing steroids, a non-steroidalTake-Home Messagepus formation, especially in skin and mu- called pentoxifylline. If those arent effec- Some leg crud is purely cosmetic; other cous membranes. Its always secondary totive, your veterinarian might try adminis- types can be very painful and debilitat-another condition or has an underlyingtering oral steroids. ing for your horse. As you would for any cause, such as allergies or parasites. medical issue, consult your veterinarian Signs Annular (round) areas of alopeciaWarts (Viral Papillomas) to determine the type of skin problem (hair loss) and crusting. With those signs,Causes Equus caballus papillomavi- plaguing your horse, the best course of staphylococcal infection is the veterinar- ruses (EcPV), nine of which are knowntreatment, and how to prevent its recur-ians first differential diagnosis (thenin horses (compared to more than 200rence or spread to other horses.hringworm, then dermatophilosis).Prevention Prevent skin trauma, and treat underlying causes such as al-lergic dermatitis or external parasites, says Peters-Kennedy. And, adds Fadok, practice good hygiene (groom thoroughly using meticulously clean grooming tools), and remember that Staphylococcus spe-cies are opportunistic, tending to take advantage of damaged tissue.Treatment Topical or oral antibiotics. If the signs are localized, says Peters- Kennedy, apply lime sulfur; if theyre widespread, then use TPS or topical chlorhexidine according to your veteri-narians advice. Fadok adds that if routine measures dont work, contact your veteri-narian to check for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections that require a culture and sensitivity test for diagnosis and treatment. Available In 6 oz. and 20 oz. JarsVasculitis St. Louis, MO 63177USA314-421-0300Fax 314-421-3332Causes While the reason for thiswww.biozidegel.com Distributors WantedTheHorse.com|The HorseApril 202015'