AQHA and PRCA Announce Rodeo Horses of the Year

There will be an all-new class of superstar horses on display at the Dec. 2-11 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, including one nicknamed “Vegas.” His registered name is RA Sonoita Silver, but owner Turtle Powell calls him Vegas. This seems fitting enough, given that Powell splurged four years ago, paying Terry Thompson $25,000 to get a team roping heading

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There will be an all-new class of superstar horses on display at the Dec. 2-11 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, Nev., including one nicknamed "Vegas."

His registered name is RA Sonoita Silver, but owner Turtle Powell calls him Vegas. This seems fitting enough, given that Powell splurged four years ago, paying Terry Thompson $25,000 to get a team roping heading horse that he believed could give him a chance at a gold buckle.

Vegas is the 2010 AQHA-PRCA Heading Horse of the Year–his first such award–and Powell arrives at the Wrangler NFR in third place in the world standings.

"Without him, I would be struggling," Powell told ProRodeo Sports News. "I would be in the bottom half, 20 to 25. When I didn't have him, it was very hard for me to make money. Probably 75% of it is him. You have to have a really good horse. He's awesome. I wouldn't be where I am without him

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